055: Where TF have you guys been?

Feels like I just finished shovelling snow, and now I’m cursing the autumn leaves that keep clogging my gutter. (Seriously, why can’t nature be a little more considerate?) Time flies when you’re having fun… or trying to avoid adulting. Dan and I recently had a deep conversation about Tom Collins' new zine (it's a must-read for anyone who's ever felt like a productivity app was just a cruel joke), and this new feature we're convinced will make us all filthy rich. It's called 'Photobook that'll Make You Rich.' Trust us, it's a game-changer.

Mentions - Tom Collins - @tcols , Gregory Halpern - @gregoryhalpern

Reach out to us @idlehandssociety. Your hosts today are @danshigginson, @paulbenceuk on Instagram. You can support the Podcast by contributing to The Idle Hands Tip Jar.




054: Brian Carroll